Friday, January 4, 2019

Cabinet Denies TriStar Greenview’s Ambulance Service Application

Today, the independent hearing officer assigned to hear the case involving TriStar Greenview’s certificate of need (CON) application to initiate a second ambulance service in Warren County issued a Final Order denying the application. TriStar Greenview will therefore not be able to proceed with its proposed ambulance service. The Final Order (copy attached) cancels the CON hearing scheduled for January 7-10 and 16, 2019.

“We are very pleased with the hearing officer’s decision,” said Wade Stone, Executive Vice President of Med Center Health. “The decision is very well-reasoned, and we are relieved that neither our community nor our Medical Center EMS service will be adversely affected by TriStar Greenview’s proposal,” said Stone.

Stone added, “We will continue reaching out to officials in Frankfort now that the CON application has been denied and hope they will be receptive to our position. We will convey to those officials that our committed staff and responders are offering an award-winning service to the residents of Warren County without local taxpayer subsidization that so many other Kentucky counties experience. A second ambulance service will only create confusion with dispatch, negatively affect our existing service and possibly lead to the need for taxpayer subsidy.”

Medical Center EMS is an award-winning ambulance service. It is the only ambulance service in Kentucky accredited by both the Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services (CAAS) and the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch® (IAED™) - both of which are gold standards within the industry.

Stone concluded, “As always, we will focus our efforts and energies toward improving the health and well-being of the communities we serve while respecting patient choice.”

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